Since that trip to Corpus Christ, Texas, I began my research on dolphins. I wanted to learn more about their nature and behaviors, so that I could get a good idea on what some of my characters were going to be like.
For example, when that one dolphin approached me in the exhibit, I wanted to know what that meant.
One of the books that I had found was Dolphin Mysteries: Unlocking the Secrets of Communication by Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D. and Toni Frohoff, Ph.D. Both Dudzinski and Frohoff talk about their studies alongside these creatures, and they go into specific detail on the animal behaviors and habitats. So that means I've used some of the terminology in describing the parts of the dolphin body such as "flippers," the "dorsal fin" (the fin on top of the dolphin's back), the "melon" (a.k.a. the dolphin's head), and "calf" (a.k.a. a baby dolphin). Yeah, you'll see that kind of terminology in my book series.
Another book that I came across was The Dolphin in the Mirror: Exploring Dolphin Minds and Saving Dolphin Lives by Diana Reiss. This book was mainly about the "saving dolphins" ideology, but I was still able to get some good ideas from it for my book.
And just I was do my research, I had allowed myself to spend over a year brainstorming my story, because with a story like this (one that just comes to you without notice), I had to do something about it--It was my calling. I felt like I was meant to write this book.
Now, trust me when I say that this wasn't the first book idea that I had had during my lifetime (and I'll probably talk about that in the next blog post). In fact, I grew up with a lot of ideas; but as I grew up, I began to be smarter about the writing--what a story needed, what characters should have, etc. And getting smarter at writing was one of the reasons why the book that sits before you, Dolphin Princess, is here today.
Veronica Gonzalez
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